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Frequently Asked Questions Ceistean Cumanta

Cliog air ceist airson am freagairt fhaicinn. Click on a question to see its answer.

What is Siarshop? Dè tha ann an Siarshop?
Siarshop lists most things currently for sale on that is being sold from an address within the Western Isles. Items are further categorised by island. So, for example, you can click on the link for Barra and see everything currently listed on eBay on Barra. Tha Siarshop a' sealltainn a mhòr chuid den a tha air a reic tro a bhuineas dha na h-Eileanan Siar. Tha nithean air an roinn a rèir dè an eilean gam buin iad. Mar sin faodaidh tu, mar eisimpleir, coimhead ri duilleag Bharraigh airson a h-uile dad a tha air eBay à Barraigh fhaicinn.
What is the point of Siarshop? Dè am feum a th' ann an Siarshop?
eBay is a useful site, but unless you're attempting to sell a small item it's utility in the Western Isles is somewhat limited. Siarshop attempts to solve this problem, by making it easier for local people to see local items. Hopefully this will be of benefit to both buyers and sellers. 'S e làrach-lìn feumail a th'ann an eBay, ach chan eil e cho goireasach anns na h-eileanan airson nithean nach gabh am postadh. Tha Siarshop a' feuchainn ri seo a leasachadh le bhith ga dhèanamh nas fhasa dha daoine nithean ionadail a lorg. Bu chòir seo a bhith na bhuannachd do luchd-reic agus luchd-ceannachd.
Can't I see local items on eBay anyway? Nach eil e comasach dhomh rudan ionadail fhaicinn air eBay mar-thà ?
Yes, eBay's advanced search function allows you to see items within a certain radius of a given postcode. However, to be wide enough to take in the whole of the Western Isles, the search results are inevitably polluted by non-island-based items. Siarshop makes searching by island much, much easier - and that hopefully will mean more people will start using it to see what's for sale near by. Tha sin ceart - tha goireas rannsachaidh adhartach aig eBay agus faodaidh tu toraidhean a lorg a tha astar sònraichte bho còd-puist sam bith. Ach tha seo buailteach nithean nach eil sna h-Eileanan a shealltainn. Tha Siarshop a' dèanamh rannsachadh dìreach taobh a-staigh eilean gu math nas fhasa, agus le sin tha dòchas ann gun cleachd barrachd dhaoine e airson faicinn dè tha ri fhaighinn faisg orra.
Don't we have enough places to advertise stuff for sale in the Western Isles already? Nach eil àiteachan gu leòr ann mar-thà airson stuth a reic sna h-Eileanan?
There are indeed places you can try to sell items: the Gazette, Heb News, the Buy/Swap/Sell Facebook page (and no doubt others). eBay is a bit different though as you can either place items for sale with a fixed price or you can try to see what people will offer in an auction. What's more, by listing on eBay/Siarshop you should have access to both local and global buyers. (Something I personally appreciate as I sold my car through -- it after weeks of trying locally -- to a man from Manchester. He flew up and drove away on the ferry the same day.) Tha àiteachan eile ann gun teagamh - Gazette Steòrnabhaigh, Heb News, duilleag Buy/Swap/Sell air Facebook (agus tha fhios gu bheil feadhainn eile ann cuideachd). Tha eBay beagan eadar-dhealaichte ge-tà, oir faodaidh tu an dàrna cuid nithean a' reic le prìs stèidhichte no an cur gu rup. Chan e sin a-mhàin ach le bhith a’ cur rud air eBay/Siarshop tha cothrom ann rud a reic gu cudeigin h-ionadail no gu cuideigin bho air feadh an t-saoghail. (Rud a dh'fhoghlam mi fhìn gu pearsanta oir reic mi càr air eBay gu neach à Manchester, as dèidh seachdainean a' feuchainn ann an Leòdhas. Thàinig e air an itealan agus dh'fhalbh e leis a’ chàr an aon là air an aiseig.)
Ok, this sounds interesting. How do I get an item listed for sale on Siarshop? Tha coltas inntinneach air an seo. Cionnas a gheibh mi air rud a chur suas air Siarshop?
You don't have to do anything special to get an item listed for sale on Siarshop - just use eBay as normal. Siarshop automatically refreshes itself with any new items from the Western Isles that have been listed for sale or auction (although it may take up to two hours for your item to appear on it). If you've never used eBay itself before, take a look at this tutorial; it;ll help you get started. Cha leig thu leas dad sònraichte a dhèanamh airson nì a chur suas air Siarshop - dìreach cleachd eBay san dòigh àbhaisteach. Tha Siarshop a' dèanamh ùrachadh gach dà uair a thìde airson clàradh dad ùr a chaidh a chur suas air eBay bho na h-eileanan. Ma tha cuideachadh a dhìth ort airson eBay fhèin a chleachdadh, bheir seo stiùireadh dhut.
What about payment? Fees? Problems with an item I've bought? Dè mu dheidhinn cosgaisean? No ma tha trioblaid agam le rudeigin a cheannachd?
Siarshop is completely free to use. But it is just a way of finding things on eBay proper -- as soon as you click on an item you will go straight to eBay, where usual eBay rules apply. Siarshop does not store any information about you (no login is required) and cannot get involved in any problems you may have with a transaction. Gabhaidh Siarshop a chleachdadh an-asgaidh. Ach chan eil ann ach dòigh air nithean a lorg air eBay fhèin -- cho luath ‘s a chliogas tu air rud ann an clàr nan toraidhean thèid thu dìreach gu eBay, far a bheil riaghailtean eBay a' gabhail an smachd àibhistich. Chan eil Siarshop a' cumail fiosrachadh mud> dheidhinn (chan eil agad ri login a dhèanamh) agus chan urrainn dha dhol an sàs le trioblaidean sam bith a dh'fhaodadh a bhith agad a' ceannachd no a' reic.
What's in it for Siarshop then? Dè tha Siarshop a' faighinn às an seo ma-thà?
Mostly this has been built in the hope it will be useful - it grew out of frustrations I had with some other ways of selling stuff locally. It's possible, though I've yet to go through the approval process, that eBay may pay me a small percentage of the fees for an item (a "finder's fee"). But this will not amount to much - hopefully enough to pay server costs and keep the site ad-free. Chaidh seo a chur ri chèile le dòchas gum biodh e feumail - as dèidh trioblaidean a bha agam rudan a reic anns na h-eileanan, chuir mi romham seo fheuchainn. Ged nach d'fhuair mi dearbhadh air an seo fhathast, 's dòcha gum pàigh eBay suim bheag airson luchd-ceannachd a lorg dhaibh. Cha bhi an suim seo mòr, ach tha min dòchas gum pàigh e na cosgaisean server agam, 's nach bi agam ri sanasan a chur ris an làraich.
Something's not working! Tha rudeigin briste!
Siarshop is technically still in beta, so I expect some errors to crop up. If things go wrong for you please let me have as much detail as possible as to what happened. Then email me (see below for the address). Tha Siarshop fhathast aig ìre beta, 's mar sin dh'fhaodadh rudan a dhol ceàrr an siud 's an seo. Ma chì thu rud sam bith neònach a' tachairt, clàir na bha thu a' dèanamh, agus na thachair, agus cuir post-d thugam (tha an seòladh ri fhaighinn gu h-ìosal.
I know I've an item listed on eBay, but it's not showing here. Tha fhios agam gu bheil mi air rud a chuir air eBay, ach chan eil e a' nochdadh an seo.
Siarshop attempts to list everything, in all categories, that's for sale in the Western Isles. However, for some categories - notably music - there are just too many things (around 12,000 separate lots in Lewis and Harris alone, at the time of writing). Since the main purpose of Siarshop is to make local pickup of items easier for island residents, and since the music category mostly contains items that can easily be posted, I decided to limit the total number of items from each category to 2,500. This is ordered by items ending soonest, though, so your item should eventually appear on the Siarshop listings as it gets nearer the end of its auction. Tha Siarshop a' feuchainn ris a h-uile càil a tha air a reic tro eBay sna h-eileanan, anns a h-uile roinn, a shealltainn. Ach airson cuid de roinnean - ceòl gu h-àraidh - tha cus dhiubh ann (timcheall air 12,000 rud ann an Leòdhas 's Na Hearadh a-mhàin, aig an àm seo). Tha e na phrìomh amas aig Siarshop a dhèanamh nas fhasa de dh'eileanaich rudan ionadail a lorg agus a thogail. Agus bhon a tha rudan bho roinn ciùil san fharsaingeachd beag, agus furasta a chur dhan phost, rinn mi co-dhùnadh na toraidhean bho gach roinn a chumail gun a dhol thairis air 2,500 rud. Tha na toraidhean air an òrdachadh a rèir cho luath ‘s a tha rup gach rud a' tighinn gu ceann, 's mar sin bu chòir dhan rud agad nochdadh nuair a thig e nas fhaisge air deireadh an ruip.
Why is Siarshop bilingual? Carson a tha Siarshop dà-chànanach?
Despite the decline of recent years, Gaelic is still widely spoken in the Western Isles, and it seemed right that a site designed to be used by islanders should speak the same language they (and I) do. Comunn na Gàidhlig helped fund the extra work involved in bolting on the bilingual technology, for which I'm very grateful. Dh'aindeoin a’ chrìonaidh a tha sinn air fhaicinn sna bliadhnaichean a dh'fhalbh, tha mòran fhathast sna h-eileanan a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig. Bha e air fhaicinn iomchaidh gum biodh làrach-lìn a chaidh a dhealbhachadh airson eileanaich a' cleachdadh an aon chànain ‘s a tha iadsan (agus mise) a' bruidhinn. Chuidich Comunn na Gàidhlig le maoineachadh airson an obair a bharrachd a bha ann airson teicneòlas dà-chànanach a chur ris an làraich, agus tha mi gu math taingeil airson sin.
I have a question that you haven't answered. Tha ceist agam nach do fhreagair thu.
Just send me an email (see below). Dìreach cuir thugam post-d (tha an seòladh gu h-ìosal).
How can I contact you? Cionnas as urrainn dhomh fios a chur thugad?
Easy - send an email to Dìreach cuir post-d gu
