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Using Siarshop A' cleachdadh Siarshop

Using Siarshop should be (mostly) self-explanatory: click on an island to view items for sale from that island.

Tha e furasta gu leòr Siarshop a chleachdadh: cliog air eilean airson na rudan a tha air an reic às an eilean sin fhaicinn.


You can sort the table of items for sale by title, by category, by (current) price, by number of bids or by time till auction ends. Just click on the title of the column to sort by. The table by default shows items that are ending soonest.

Faodaidh tu clàr nan nithean a tha air an reic a chur an òrdugh a rèir prìs, iarrtasan no ùine gus an crìochnaich an rup. Dìreach cliog air tiotal a' chuilbh a chleachdas an siostam airson na toraidhean òrdachadh.


You can filter the list of items for sale by eBay category by using the categories drop-down. (Note that only categories with items for sale are shown, not all possible categories.) On modern browsers the system will remember your choice of category between islands and between visits, until you change it. However, if an island has nothing in a selected category the dropdown will be reset to show all categories.

Faodaidh tu sìoladh nan toraidhean a rèir na roinne eBay gam buin iad, le bhith a' cleachdadh drop-down nan roinnean. (Thoir an aire: cha nochd roinn air an drop-down mur eil rudeigin anns an roinn sin air a' chlàr.) Air brobhsairean ùra cumaidh an siostam cuimhne air do roghainn, agus seallaidh e dhut dìreach an roinn sin nuair a ghluaiseas tu tron làraich. Ach, ma thadhlas tu air duilleag-eilein far nach eil dad anns an roinn a thagh thu, thèid an drop-down air ais gu sealltainn nan roinnean air fad.


Alternatively you can search for a specific word or phrase by typing it into the Find box. The table will instantly show matching items as you type. On modern browsers the system will remember what you typed as you navigate through the site, enabling you to quickly search all islands for a given word or phrase. To see all items again, just delete what you've typed in the box.

Faodaidh tu rannsachadh a dhèanamh airson facal no abairt sònraichte, le sin a chui dhan bhucas "lorg". Ùraichidh clàr nan toraidhean sa bhad, a' sealltainn nithean a cho-fhreagras na tha thu air taidhpeadh. Air brobhsairean ùra cumaidh an siostam cuimhne air na thaidhp thu fhad 's a tha thu a' siubhal tron làraich, ga dhèanamh furasta dhut rannsachadh airson an aon rud ann an eileanan eadar-dhealaichte. Airson a h-uile nì fhaicinn, dìreach thoir às na litrichean a thaidhp thu sa bhucas.


To go to an item on eBay proper, to see more details about it, and/or buy it, just click on its picture or title.

Airson a dhol gu eBay fhèin, airson tuilleadh fiosrachadh fhaighinn mu dheidhinn rud (no airson a cheannachd), dìreach cliog air a thiotal no air a dhealbh.

By default, Siarshop shows you five items at once - scroll through the results by using the controls at the bottom of the table, or (if you are using a touchscreen) swipe left or right on the table. You can use the "number of results" drop-down to change how many items you see at once (from 2 to 50 per page).

Tha Siarshop a' sealltainn còig toraidhean air gach duilleig, san riochd àbhaisteach. Sgroilig tromhpa a' cleachdadh nam putan aig bonn a' chlàir, no (ma tha thu a' cleachdadh sgrìon-suathaidh) suath gu clì no gu deas air a' bhòrd. Faodaidh tu drop-down "àireamh de thoraidhean" a chleachdadh airson na chì thu de rudan air gach duilleig atharrachadh (bho 2 gu 50).

Next Noofresults

Siarshop is fully bi-lingual - change the language at any time by clicking on the English/Gàidhlig button found near the top right of every page.

Tha Siarshop da-chànanach air fad - atharraich an cànan aig àm sam bith le bhith a' cliogadh air a' phutan "Beurla/Gaelic" a tha ri lorg aig bàrr gach duilleig, air do làimh dheis.

You can also set your preferred language by clicking on the "Preferences" link found at the bottom of every page. This shows a dialog box that allows you to choose your language and also set the island the site will show you first. (Older browsers may not offer this functionality.)

Faodaidh tu cuideachd cànan a thaghadh le bhith a' cliogadh air a’ cheangal "Roghainnean" a tha aig bonn gach duilleig. Tha seo a' sealltainn bucas dialoig far am faod thu cànan a thaghadh -- agus cuideachd far am faod thu an t-eilean a nochdas an toiseach nuair a thèid thu gu Siarshop a shuidheachadh.

If you still need help, or think you've found a bug with the site, please send me an email.

Ma tha cuideachadh fhathast a dhìth ort, no ma tha thu air rudeigin a lorg a tha coimhead ceàrr, bhithinn nad chomain nan cuireadh tu post-d thugam.
